Community Tutorials
Building a Contacts List with PostgREST and Vue.js - In this video series, DigitalOcean shows how to build and deploy an Nginx + PostgREST(using a managed PostgreSQL database) + Vue.js webapp in an Ubuntu server droplet.
PostgREST + Auth0: Create REST API in mintutes, and add social login using Auth0 - A step-by-step tutorial to show how to dockerize and integrate Auth0 to PostgREST service.
PostgREST + PostGIS API tutorial in 5 minutes - In this tutorial, GIS • OPS shows how to perform PostGIS calculations through PostgREST Functions as RPC interface.
“CodeLess” backend using postgres, postgrest and oauth2 authentication with keycloak - A step-by-step tutorial for using PostgREST with KeyCloak(hosted on a managed service).
How PostgreSQL triggers work when called with a PostgREST PATCH HTTP request - A tutorial to see how the old and new values are set or not when doing a PATCH request to PostgREST.
Build data-driven applications with Workers and PostgreSQL - A tutorial on how to integrate with PostgREST and PostgreSQL using Cloudflare Workers.
A poor man’s API - Shows how to integrate PostgREST with Apache APISIX as an alternative to Nginx.
compose-postgrest - docker-compose setup with Nginx and HTML example
svelte-postgrest-template - Svelte/SvelteKit, PostgREST, EveryLayout and social auth
Example Apps
delibrium-postgrest - example school API and front-end in Vue.js
ETH-transactions-storage - indexer for Ethereum to get transaction list by ETH address
general - example auth back-end
guild-operators - example queries and functions that the Cardano Community uses for their Guild Operators’ Repository
PostGUI - React Material UI admin panel
prospector - data warehouse and visualization platform
cloudgov-demo-postgrest - demo for a federally-compliant REST API on
cloudstark/helm-charts - helm chart to deploy PostgREST to a Kubernetes cluster via a Deployment and Service
cyril-sabourault/postgrest-cloud-run - expose a PostgreSQL database on Cloud SQL using Cloud Run
eyberg/postgrest - run PostgREST as a Nanos unikernel
jbkarle/postgrest - helm chart with a demo database for development and test purposes
External Notification
These are PostgreSQL bridges that propagate LISTEN/NOTIFY to external queues for further processing. This allows functions to initiate actions outside the database such as sending emails.
pg-notify-stdout - writes notifications to standard output (use in shell scripts etc.)
pg-notify-webhook - trigger webhooks from PostgreSQL’s LISTEN/NOTIFY
pgsql-listen-exchange - RabbitMQ
postgres-websockets - expose web sockets for PostgreSQL’s LISTEN/NOTIFY
postgresql2websocket - Websockets
aiodata - Python, event-based proxy and caching client.
pg-safeupdate - prevent full-table updates or deletes
postgrest-node - Run a PostgREST server in Node.js via npm module
PostgREST-writeAPI - generate Nginx rewrite rules to fit an OpenAPI spec
Client-Side Libraries
postgrest-csharp - C#
postgrest-dart - Dart
postgrest-ex - Elixir
postgrest-go - Go
postgrest-js - TypeScript/JavaScript
postgrest-kt - Kotlin
postgrest-py - Python
postgrest-rs - Rust
postgrest-swift - Swift
redux-postgrest - TypeScript/JS, client integrated with (React) Redux.
vue-postgrest - Vue.js