Media Type Handlers
Media Type Handlers allow PostgREST to deliver custom media types. These handlers extend the builtin ones and can also override them.
Media types are expressed as type aliases using domains and their name must comply to RFC 6838 requirements.
CREATE DOMAIN "application/json" AS json;
Using these domains, functions can become handlers and user-defined aggregates can serve as handlers for Tables and Views and Table-Valued Functions.
PostgREST vendor media types (
) cannot be overriden.Long media types like
cannot be expressed as domains since they surpass PostgreSQL identifier length. For these you can use the The “Any” Handler.
Handler Function
As an example, let’s obtain the TWKB compressed binary format for a PostGIS geometry.
create extension postgis;
create table lines (
id int primary key
, name text
, geom geometry(LINESTRING, 4326)
insert into lines values (1, 'line-1', 'LINESTRING(1 1,5 5)'::geometry), (2, 'line-2', 'LINESTRING(2 2,6 6)'::geometry);
For this you can create a vendor media type.
create domain "application/vnd.twkb" as bytea;
And use it as a return type on a function, to make it a handler.
create or replace function get_line (id int)
returns "application/vnd.twkb" as $$
select st_astwkb(geom) from lines where id =;
$$ language sql;
For PostgreSQL <= 12, you’ll need a cast on the function body st_astwkb(geom)::"application/vnd.twkb"
Now you can request the TWKB
output like so:
curl 'localhost:3000/rpc/get_line?id=1' -i \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.twkb"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.twkb
# binary output
Note that PostgREST will automatically set the Content-Type
to application/vnd.twkb
Handlers for Tables/Views
To benefit from a compressed format like TWKB
, it makes more sense to obtain many rows instead of one. Let’s allow that by adding a handler for the table.
User-defined aggregates can be turned into handlers by using domain media types as the return type of their transition or final functions.
Let’s create a transition function for this example.
create or replace function twkb_handler_transition (state bytea, next lines)
returns "application/vnd.twkb" as $$
select state || st_astwkb(next.geom);
$$ language sql;
Now we’ll use it on a new aggregate defined for the lines
create or replace aggregate twkb_agg (lines) (
initcond = ''
, stype = "application/vnd.twkb"
, sfunc = twkb_handler_transition
You can test see this aggregate working with:
SELECT twkb_agg(l) from lines l;
(1 row)
Now you can request the table endpoint with the twkb
media type:
curl 'localhost:3000/lines' -i \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.twkb"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.twkb
# binary output
If you have a table-valued function returning the same table type, the handler can also act upon on it.
create or replace function get_lines ()
returns setof lines as $$
select * from lines;
$$ language sql;
curl 'localhost:3000/get_lines' -i \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.twkb"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.twkb
# binary output
Overriding a Builtin Handler
Let’s override the existing text/csv
handler for the table to provide a more complex CSV output.
It’ll include a Byte order mark (BOM) plus a Content-Disposition
header to set a name for the downloaded file.
Create a domain for the standard text/csv
media type.
create domain "text/csv" as text;
And a transition function that returns the domain.
create or replace function bom_csv_trans (state text, next lines)
returns "text/csv" as $$
select state || || ',' || || ',' || next.geom::text || E'\n';
$$ language sql;
This time we’ll add a final function. This will add the CSV header, the BOM and the Content-Disposition
create or replace function bom_csv_final (data "text/csv")
returns "text/csv" as $$
-- set the Content-Disposition header
select set_config('response.headers', '[{"Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename=\"lines.csv\""}]', true);
-- EFBBBF is the BOM in UTF8
convert_from (decode (E'EFBBBF', 'hex'),'UTF8') ||
-- the header for the CSV
(E'id,name,geom\n' || data);
$$ language sql;
Now use the transition and final function as part of the new aggregate.
create or replace aggregate bom_csv_agg (lines) (
initcond = ''
, stype = "text/csv"
, sfunc = bom_csv_trans
, finalfunc = bom_csv_final
You can test this with:
select bom_csv_agg(l) from lines l;
id,name,geom +
(1 row)
And request it like:
curl 'localhost:3000/lines' -i \
-H "Accept: text/csv"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/csv
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="lines.csv"
The “Any” Handler
For more flexibility, you can also define a catch-all handler by using a domain named */*
(any media type). This handler obeys the following rules:
It responds to all media types and even to requests that don’t include an
header.It sets the
header toapplication/octet-stream
by default, but this can be overridden inside the function with Response Headers.It overrides all other handlers (builtin or custom), so it’s better to do it for an isolated function or view.
Let’s define an any handler for a view that will always respond with XML
output. It will accept text/xml
, application/xml
, */*
and reject other media types.
create domain "*/*" as bytea;
-- we'll use an .xml suffix for the view to be clear its output is always XML
create view "lines.xml" as
select * from lines;
-- transition function
create or replace function lines_xml_trans (state "*/*", next "lines.xml")
returns "*/*" as $$
select state || xmlelement(name line, xmlattributes( as id, as name), next.geom)::text::bytea || E'\n' ;
$$ language sql;
-- final function
create or replace function lines_xml_final (data "*/*")
returns "*/*" as $$
-- get the Accept header
req_accept text := current_setting('request.headers', true)::json->>'accept';
-- when we need to override the default Content-Type (application/octet-stream) set by PostgREST
if req_accept = '*/*' then
perform set_config('response.headers', json_build_array(json_build_object('Content-Type', 'text/xml'))::text, true);
elsif req_accept IN ('application/xml', 'text/xml') then
perform set_config('response.headers', json_build_array(json_build_object('Content-Type', req_accept))::text, true);
-- we'll reject other non XML media types, we need to reject manually since */* will command PostgREST to accept all media types
raise sqlstate 'PT415' using message = 'Unsupported Media Type';
end if;
return data;
end; $$ language plpgsql;
-- new aggregate
create or replace aggregate lines_xml_agg ("lines.xml") (
stype = "*/*"
, sfunc = lines_xml_trans
, finalfunc = lines_xml_final
Test it on SQL:
select (encode(lines_xml_agg(x), 'escape'))::xml from "lines.xml" x;
<line id="1" name="line-1">0102000020E610000002000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F00000000000014400000000000001440</line>+
<line id="2" name="line-2">0102000020E6100000020000000000000000000040000000000000004000000000000018400000000000001840</line>+
Now we can omit the Accept
header and it will respond with XML.
curl 'localhost:3000/lines.xml' -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml
<line id="1" name="line-1">0102000020E610000002000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03F00000000000014400000000000001440</line>
<line id="2" name="line-2">0102000020E6100000020000000000000000000040000000000000004000000000000018400000000000001840</line>
And it will accept only XML media types.
curl 'localhost:3000/lines.xml' -i \
-H "Accept: text/xml"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml
curl 'localhost:3000/lines.xml' -i \
-H "Accept: application/xml"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml
curl 'localhost:3000/lines.xml' -i \
-H "Accept: unknown/media"
HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type